Do you have a writing group you love?
Turns out, social support is like a vitamin — it literally enhances your immune system. When you belong to a healthy network, it makes your life better. When you belong to a healthy writing community, it makes your writing better.
Writers who gather together are more grounded, creative, and productive.
A good writing group will support your professional career, and help you reach your goals.
As a writer, you use language to express the inexpressible.
You write to discover what you don’t know yet. You write to metabolize all the things that have happened to you. You write to make sense of the world, and to honour the people you love.
You have an invigorating and mysterious job!
It can also be confusing. When you’re writing in a vacuum, it’s hard to tell if you’re on the right track. It’s hard to stay focused.
Sometimes, writing alone can feel aimless.
Honour your intellect and your intuition with deliberate creative practice. You’ll get daily writing prompts to help you work your right brain every day. In our monthly calls, you’ll develop rhythms and rituals you know you can trust, so you can create even more joy in your writing.
Connect with writers who understand your love for language and craft. Share knowledge and resources, get book recommendations and help with research, and pose technique and structure questions to the group. Even introverts flourish with good writing conversation.
It’s so much fun (and satisfying) to talk with fellow emerging authors. Between our book club, reading series, writers’ salons, monthly workshops, active discussions, daily prompts, feedback and conversation, this is a place for rich, collaborative insight about all facets of a professional creative writing life.
Mastering a craft comes from hours of deliberate practice, but writing time doesn’t have to be a grind! When you’re writing with friends and peers, time passes quickly and you’ll feel in flow. You’ll generate new stories, scenes, and ideas on a regular basis, and they’ll sparkle with fresh energy.
Access advice, events, and other resources for learning, creative strategy, and skill development. In addition to regular co-writing and conversation, you get to learn from a different guest mentor every month.
Inspiring Warm-Ups to Generate Ideas
Our daily prompts are deliberately random and unique, designed to set off sparks in your mind. Every day, we drop a new exercise (and every two weeks, a story prompt). Take 10 minutes and then share your writing with us! Encouragement and feedback from your peers gives you momentum, so you look forward to your writing practice.
Write to a prompt every day, and turn a fun exercise into a valuable habit.
You may also choose to receive your Daily Prompts by email, every day at 6:00am ET, so you can get writing first thing.
Your writing mastermind
These are consistent, brief, and actionable meetings for writers who want to get focused quickly, hold each other accountable, keep each other motivated, help each other find resources, and otherwise get amazing work done every week. This is the writing group you've been wishing for.
Free from outside distractions
As graduates of our writing programs know, the magic really happens in the Discussion Spheres. In Centered, you get to experience that magic every day. It’s the place where you can meet friends, teachers, and colleagues, exchange meaningful feedback, and join stimulating discussions.
Our spheres are on a private site, to keep distraction at a minimum. We don’t use social media, so you can stay focused on writing, and not be interrupted by pings. And if posting your words on public sites makes you uneasy (we get it), you can feel safe to do so here.
Sarah Selecky guides writers through hypnotic meditations that build confidence, creativity, and focus. Then the group writes together for 45 minutes, using co-regulation (also known as “body doubling”) to enhance productivity and flow.
Each month explores a different creative theme, weaving together meditation and writing practice. Writers consistently experience breakthroughs during these gatherings.
Join us as we complete our year of monthly themes, creating a library of guided meditations you can return to again and again.
Join our next Hypnosis and Co-writing Session ($20 drop-in, or free for members). We will give you access to the recording afterwards.
Join Sarah Selecky to explore the essential practices from her book, Story Is a State of Mind . These focused gatherings combine guided meditation, writing practice, and creative discovery. Bring your copy of the book and experience how mindset work transforms your writing practice.
Each month we’ll work through different techniques, building a strong foundation of practice together. These sessions help you access creative flow reliably and naturally.
Learn from bestselling authors of different genres, creativity coaches, agents, publishers, and more experts throughout your membership in Centered.
Guest mentors join us every month for live workshops and active learning. These workshops are recorded, so you can watch the replays whenever you like.
Make an impact, get published
On the 3rd Sunday of the month, we submit our work! Send your writing to the contests, agents and journals with whom you want to publish. When we submit together, it’s more fun, and we feel empowered, motivated, and encouraged.
Don’t have anything to submit yet? Come anyway, and tap into our combined energy to create or polish your story to get it ready for submission at a later date.
Powerful writing time every week
These are fun and energizing 45-minute sessions that bring focus to your Friday! We’ll meet in the Field to say hello and write together using the Daily Prompt for ten minutes. After, you may choose to read your writing to the group for extra accountability and that sweet little rush that comes from reading aloud.
Read like a writer, with other writers
Twice a year, we get a chance to speak on behalf of the books we choose to recommend to each other. We look at books from both sides—as writers and as readers. We discuss the whys and hows of the writing itself, and find new ways to solve our craft problems.
Our book club is about reading widely, layering our influences, and benefitting from the shared intellect, passion and wonder that is alive in our community.
Read your work out loud
One of the paradoxes about writing is that it’s often done in isolation, and yet it takes a reader or a listener to give our work meaning.
Experience the benefit of reading out loud to the generous members of this community, and feel the energy in your new work. Our reading series happens twice a year.
Our gathering space
The Field is our private gathering and writing space. It feels kind of like Zoom meets Narnia. We’ve designed it for you to have easy and fun spontaneous co-writing dates with each other. The Field is always open to members, 24 hours a day, in any timezone. Whenever you need motivation and companionship, reach out to meet a member for a writing date in our virtual meadow.
An assessment to guide your focus
As a Centered member, you’ll get our Life Cycle of a Writer scale, so you can assess where you are right now and make a good decision about what to try next.
You know you’re a good writer. But are you pushing yourself out of your comfort zone? Is it time to start submitting your work? Or is it time to go back to the beginner’s mind? Find out using this unique, sensitive, and detailed assessment tool we created for our members.
’m a writer, novelist, and the founder of this program. I started teaching creative writing in my living room in 2001. Since then, I’ve taught thousands of writers from more than 20 countries around the world how to write what they want to read.
I believe writing is both an art and a contemplative practice.
Centered is a sparkling collective that exists alongside our creative writing programs. Most members are our graduates, but all writers are invited to join us.
Imagine how it would feel to have a genuine connection with your writing every day — and to belong to a group of writers on a similar journey.
If you’re at a stage where a generous and supportive community of writers would benefit your creative career, I invite you to try a month in Centered.
We believe that what you pay attention to grows. We want writers to grow creatively without making themselves feel like they’re wrong all the time. That’s why, in our programs, we focus on what works. We find writers’ strengths and magnify them.
Stories are our witnesses, healers, protectors, and guides. We believe that writers empowered with craft can weave new worlds and propose new norms. And that writers who know how to accept the mystery of the creative process can find insight, surprise, and joy in their work.
Centered is a space for collective growth. Our members help each other cultivate a satisfying writing life. We bring together writers in different phases of our writing life, from around the globe. You’ll find thoughtful individuals here; people who will encourage you, challenge you, assist you, and meet you where you are.
We believe that a non-competitive environment builds creative, confident, curious, and psychologically healthy writers. We try to meet writers where they are, and help them evolve on their own terms. We endeavour to support the entire writer, and the entire process of writing, from beginning phases to advanced.
As a collective, we’re paying attention to writing in a particular way: from a generous, generative, and imaginative place. We appreciate the power of technique, and are always open to learning more.
Memberships to Centered are non-refundable. Your membership will automatically renew monthly. You may cancel at any time.
(Subscription fees are subject to change)
For more details, please review our complete terms and conditions.
Photo credits of dandelion images:
Wolfgang Hasselmann, Alexa T, Viridi Green, and Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash.